Great Performance Group has partnered with Personality First to expand its services into the executive search and select domain.
We believe
We believe that the personality and values of people make the difference to the selection process of a new hire, followed by experience and knowledge.
You seldom get asked to leave because you lack the expertise, but rather because of your attitude and fit into the team.
Our experience
In our experience, this approach does not service both the hiring company and the candidate and honestly the failure rate is too high.
As executive search & select professionals, we believe that it’s important to take the extra time and care during the search & select phase and by doing so we can present the ideal candidate to the client.
This approach
This approach has proven to be extremely effective as our success rate in place new candidates averages between 90 and 95 percent.
Let us help you find the first time right candidate!
Recruitment goes beyond just recruiting staff. As a recruiter you are the face of an organisation, or sometimes dozens of organisations. You ensure that people are found, are connected and that people end up in a place where they feel at home. You build, form and create teams. As a recruiter you can have a lot of impact on organisations. But how do you make an impact as a recruiter? Why are you a recruiter anyway? During the recruitment professional training we teach you to make more impact as a recruiter.
We believe that people make the difference in an organisation. We never teach our recruiters to hire based on a CV alone. We teach recruiters to hire the right personality first, followed by resume and experience. We believe in personality first!
We do this by understanding what the profiles and personalities of the management teams is and what personality would be the best fit for this team.