Organizational Culture Change
Inside an organisation the way people think, their collective mindset, their behaviours, habits and actions are called nowadays “the company culture”.
Impacting business performance is predominantly a matter of changing people’s attitudes, mindset and behaviours. GPG supports senior leadership to shape a company culture that matches the organisational vision, values and strategy.
We mainly work with the executive team to:
Create and implement an inspiring vision: an exciting, achievable and challenging future that motivates people to work together with a common sense of purpose.
Create a ‘change’ plan that builds engagement around the new culture.
Promote an environment of accountability for business results and culture change throughout the management structure.
Providing training to enable managers to lead the culture change.
To assist with changing the culture, it is important to know where to start and the process can begin with a cultural diagnostic:
Culture Diagnostic
A series of personal and group interviews, across the organisation that allow us to understand and assimilate the critical aspects of the workplace culture and attitude toward key issues.
Here we focus our attention on aspects such as:
Understanding perceptions of the issues.
Relationship to regulations, policies and procedures.
Appreciation of leadership’s commitment to the future.
Perception of company values and ethics.
Quality of the relationships between people.
Workplace general mood and ambience.
The findings are compiled into an Organisation Cultural Diagnostic that includes recommendations used to initiate any change programme, including planning and coaching sessions with managers and leaders. As people’s perception changes over time additional Diagnostic Surveys can be reiterated as needed.
The main advantages of this tool are:
A comprehensive easy-to-interpret picture of your organisation’s culture with regard to the aspects you wish to focus on.
Carefully designed to minimise political responses.
Easy-to-use system interfaces.
Total confidentiality.
Easy, flexible and comprehensive enough to allow you to view the results from the organisational structure.
Up to six levels of personnel can be accommodated.
You can have the results separated by question, question group, business unit, location, project or simply the overall picture. The choice is yours.
Other options:
The ability to see where the employees perceive that the leaders are taking the company.
Personal interviews with people from your organisation, which will allow us to build a comprehensive interpretation of the results and what they say about your organisation.
A meeting facilitated by us to support you in making best use of the results.
The opportunity to identify key leaders in the organisation and obtain 360 degree feedback on their individual leadership and management approach.
The end result will be a co-designed pathway forward with a scope and timeframe relevant to the size of the organisation and the scale of the challenge.